Imposter by The Coconut Milk Project

Imposter by The Coconut Milk Project

Chennai based musical duo The Coconut Milk Project have released their 4th single Imposter. After their much successful single ‘Panic In Life’s Waiting Room‘, Imposter keeps the momentum going. We love their songwriting style and musical sense. Day to day things that we all go through, that we all almost miss acknowledging, are the things they write and sing about, with a satirical twist. And that’s exactly why we love their music so much. Simple, empathetic, musical and funny, what a combination to have in a piece of art! 

Imposter has a strong acoustic, country-ish vibe. The beautiful licks and the vocals are the icing on this cake. Imposter would qualify as a soundtrack for a fun timelapse video of some friends chilling away at their usual ‘adda’, pulling each other’s legs! Ashwin Vinayagamoorthy has done a fab job producing this track, as always. 

Go on, listen to Imposter on the link below! And we hope y’all are having a good day 😛 

P.S. Although we at ICC try our best not to review the music we post on our magazine because we want our readers and the artiste’s listeners to go and listen to the music with an open mind, we try to best describe the music in simple words to give it a flavour of our own.