Sun Is Gonna Shine by chambalguy

SIGS by chambalguy

Somanshu Agarwal, a Gwalior based indie acoustic singer-songwriter under the moniker chambalguy has released an acoustic version of his recent single, Sun Is Gonna Shine.

It’s a soothing, relaxing and perfect for a wind-down. The lyrics are very optimistic and hopeful. chambalguy’s music is usually very vocal centric, something that most musicians are moving away from these days. But chambalguy has found his style and has been delivering some genuine music in this space. Sun Is Gonna Shine has a very healing and positive vibe to it and that’s exactly why we have been winding-down with it since we listened to it!

Listen to the song here!

P.S. We at ICC do not review the music we post in our magazine because we want our readers and the artiste’s listeners to go and listen to the music with an open mind! We try to describe the song the way we perceive it and why we love it!