Start Again by Jonathan Lobo

Start Again by Jonathan Lobo

Like comfort food, comfort music is that which comforts you, motivates you, and brings out the best version of you. We at ICC are thrilled that our indie community is full of great talent, variety, and repertoire. Jonathan Lobo‘s third single, Start Again is what we’d like to call our comfort music.

Beautiful finger-picking on the acoustic guitar with Jonathan’s emphatic vocals are the foundation of this song. What starts off as a soft acoustic song soon becomes a bright and energy-inducing song. The songwriting is just impeccable. The piano and fast strums on the guitar reminded us of Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay just for a bit there. The tonal balance and the production quality are top-notch and make the listening experience very enjoyable. The choice of instruments and minimalistic electronic elements add wholeness to the song. Empathetic lyrics, so well written, with a crescendo-ing arrangement earns Start Again a spot on your motivational and unwind playlists for sure.

Want to feel better today? Go listen to Start Again!

P.S. We at ICC do not review the music we post in our magazine because we want our readers and the artiste’s listeners to go and listen to the music with an open mind! We try to describe the song the way we perceive it and why we love it!