Delhi-based trio The Brief Escape is made up of Uday Dayal, Pablo D’Costa, and Abhimanyu Prathap. Three advertising copywriter-musicians bonded over their mutual lack of lives outside of work. This bond evolved into those cliched late-night post-work jam sessions. They started developing a cohesive musical identity, and that was the birth of The Brief Escape.
Their debut release Bye n’ Hi is a bitter-sweet love song. The trio has cooked up a light-hearted satire about the dilemma of the committed vs the uncommitted. With beautiful guitars and finger snaps, Bye n’ Hi starts nicely. Uday’s soothing vocals add the necessary aloofness to the song. The Hinglish lyrics bring out the indifference of the protagonist very well. The song has two perspectives – one, out of self-preservation, the protagonist doesn’t want to open up to someone. Opening up means being vulnerable. Two, on a deeper level, it tells the story of a protagonist who is so consumed by the work that he chooses to remain uncommitted. To retain whatever peace he manages to wrestle from his job. Credits to Abhimanyu for producing a sonically entertaining number. The song also features Grammy-winning drummer Dan Konopka! We are genuinely looking forward to more from the trio soon.
Go get your Brief Escape, pun intended!
P.S. We at ICC do not review the music we post in our magazine because we want our readers and the artiste’s listeners to go and listen to the music with an open mind! We try to describe the song the way we perceive it and why we love it!