Silent Prayer by The Coconut Milk Project

prayer, song, silent prayer

The Coconut Milk Project is back to give us all the feels with its latest single, Silent Prayer. The Chennai-based musical duo serves empathy, comfort, and smiles with this one. The single addresses all the inner voices we have and soothes their troubles. It is a perfect song to start your new year with, singing a silent prayer as you bid the craziness of the past year goodbye.

Silent Prayer opens with vocal hums, setting the stage for all the comfort the song will deliver. It boasts acoustic guitar throughout, played wonderfully by Cletus Amalan & Keshav Ram, shakers, and percussions, all blended in a perfect song. A remedy for all the questions that knock at your fears. The soft vocals sung by the duo, Goutham Kumar and Pavithra Krishnaswamy, put us at ease as they narrate relatable lyrics. We also get a bonus of finger snaps and claps, which make a great addition to the musical harmony that is Silent Prayer. We love the music and vocal combination of the song and the positive vibe it creates.

This single will be the perfect track for your weekend getaways to the beach, away from all your problems. Stream Silent Prayer now!

P.S. We at ICC do not review the music we post in our magazine because we want our readers and the artiste’s listeners to go and listen to the music with an open mind! We try to describe the song the way we perceive it and why we love it!