It’s Okay by Karen Harding

It's Okay by Karen Harding

Do you ever feel that you aren’t doing what you are supposed to be? Or you aren’t quite where you wished you were?

If you shyly vote yes, Karen Harding’s latest dual single has got you. The Melbourne, Australia-based artist is here with two beautiful songs, It’s Okay and Greener On The Other Side. They feel like a comforting hug you need after a long and tiring day. The songs capture the ideas of self-frustration, the uncertainty of changes, big or small, and trying to be compassionate with yourself in this process.

The first single, It’s Okay, makes a soothing start with melodious guitar strums, eventually gaining the company of drum beats. We especially loved the second verse, whose meaningful lyrics marry the music in a calm ceremony, giving way to the chorus. It also features a bonus of subtle flute undertones, which we loved! With all its elements, this song offers comfort and empathy when life feels like a game of musical chairs.

Greener On The Other Side is a single featuring Germany-based artist, The Cologne Chamber Orchestra. With similar musical elements as It’s Okay, it talks about going through change and the anticipations of the ‘other’ side of this change. Soulful violin music plays throughout, emphasising the idea of the song. Shoutout to P&M Records, an Argentina-based production family who skillfully tied all the elements together in a musical ribbon. We applaud the entire team who worked on this dual single. We loved it!
The singles It’s Okay and Greener On The Other Side are available on your favourite streaming platform. Listen to them now, and also take a break maybe

P.S. We at ICC do not review the music we post in our magazine because we want our readers and the artiste’s listeners to go and listen to the music with an open mind! We try to describe the song the way we perceive it and why we love it!